Thursday, 14 May 2009

PR and Audioboo

I have just had a look at this site. I am not sure about its uses but I think it could be great for journalists and PR practitioners, especially for acquiring quotes or releasing them.

It presents challenges for PR as it is another outlet for opinion formers to express opinion. If it is negative then how do you combat this and even monitor it? If it is positive about your product or service etc then can you harness this? Consumer feedback sections on companies site could use these?

To stand out on this site, how do you make yourself listened to? It is like shouting amongst a crowd and trying to be heard!

I'm sure there are many uses for this. But lets see if this takes off or is just a fad. I am not going to make the call, but on initial viewing I think it could be extremely useful.

If anyone has any thoughts then please share...
Update: It appears that this post is my most successful as it got a mention on Neville Hobsons' FIR 451 podcast which I was pretty chuffed about. The conversation about Audioboo starts at around 39 mins into the cast. Delighted that practically my whole post was read out. Even my tutor Philip Young got a mention. Now to get more involved with online conversations...

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Swine flu and Kleenex

I don't know what I think of this. On the one hand I think that it is really clever as it has been launched at just the right time to make some money. On the other hand it is taking advantage of a panic that the media has quite rightly been fueling over the outbreak of swine flu.

If they work then great. But at the same time I feel that this company could be seen to be taking advantage of a bad situation. I wonder whether this was a good move for the company or whether anyone is slightly skeptical?

The website contains advertising for the anti-viral product along with information about swine flu next to it which to me is either a clever juxtaposition or very helpful.
Does this brand look like they care or are they taking advantage? You decide...